Nintendo E3 Host Gets Controller Ripped From His Hands On Livestream
Yesterday we got a glimpse of Astral Chain gameplay and some developer outrage.
Naturally when a new game is being displayed the audience gets a view of the graphics, a bit of the story, and exclusive information straight from the dev.
Astral Chain is an action game about a police officer chained to a legion living on another planet after the earth is destroyed by pollution. They walk around help clean up pollution, fight bosses, and complete side missions. Plus you can create your character right down to the skin color!
During the Nintendo E3 livestream, Demetrius, one of the hosts set to show off gameplay of Astral Chain, was doing such a bad job. He was walking around, lost in a daze, kicking cans fighting NPCs for no reason, leans over to the dev with tears in eyes and shouts, “Help a brotha out, my guy! Damn Gina!” The dev, Takahisa Taura from PlatinumGames, mid-boss fight, took the controller and finished the fight himself. He then forces his translator to say,
"This is why we’re skeptical about bringing games to Westerners. If you aren’t going to take the time to learn the mechanics and craft your skills for the game don’t play. And then I don’t want you complaining about patches and what needs to be fixed. We know what’s best for the game. Hideki [the creator of Bayonetta] warned me about this.”
Ryan, his translator, continues nervously,
"And for all you whiny babies out there, we have created a mode if you’re not skilled enough to control two beings at once you’ll still have a way to “enjoy” the game."
Astral Chain comes out Aug 30th, 2019 on the Nintendo Switch.
(Issa gag article. I want to be clear that these events did not take place and Mr. Taura was very please with Demetrius’ gameplay. He cannot wait to share his creation with the world. Taura did say there is a game mode that helps players who feel this game could get overwhelming!)